Be sure to check our events calendar for upcoming programs.
World Languages
We have materials in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Gujarati, Hindi, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu – stop by the library for a quick tour of our foreign languages section
Museum Passes
Please visit our Museum Pass page for more details
Home Delivery
If you are unable to physically come to the library due to limited or long-term illness or disability, please consider our home delivery service. Home delivery occurs once a month. To inquire about and/or register for home delivery, please call Nadine or Ruby at 732-463-1633.
Tech Help
Need assistance with your device? Do you want to learn how to download eBooks, audiobooks, or use other Library resources? We’re here to help! Please fill out this form to book an appointment with a librarian for individual technology assistance.
Purchase Requests
Is there something you think we should buy? Let us know!
We regularly have displays of art and other interesting collections. If you have interest in having your art displayed at the library, email us at
Library App
The United Way VITA Free Tax Prep at Piscataway Public Library ran from Monday, February 5 – Monday, April 1, 2024. Please contact the United Way if you have any questions.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development provides several resources in New Jersey for assistance with housing and finding shelter for those experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. They also offer housing resources for veterans and rental assistance.
Help with Home Energy Bills (English)
New Jersey offers several programs to help with home energy bills. Utility assistance is provided through NJ SHARES, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Universal Service Fund (USF), Lifeline Program, Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric (PAGE), and NJ 2-1-1. Free weatherization programs and the Winter Termination Program (WTP) are also available.
Solicite Hoy Mismo Asistencia para Servicios Públicos (Español)
¿Necesita ayuda para pagar sus cuentas de energía? Nueva Jersey ahora le brinda más ayuda con sus programas de asistencia ampliada: NJ SHARES, Programa de Asistencia de Energía para Hogares de Bajos Ingresos (LIHEAP), Fondo de Servicio Universal (USF), Programa Lifeline, Programa de Asistencia para Gas y Electricidad (PAGE), NJ 2-1-1, Socios en el Confort (Comfort Partners), Programa de Asistencia en Climatización y Programa de Protección Durante el Invierno (WTP).
The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) offers free utility grants such as the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP).
Subsidios Gratuitos de Servicios Públicos (Español)
Puede solicitar los siguientes subsidios de servicios públicos gratuitos: Programa de Asistencia de Agua para Hogares de Bajos Ingresos (LIHWAP).
The NJ Department of Human Services Division of Family Development provides temporary housing and short-term arrangements for food and shelter as well as homeless prevention and case management. Programs include Emergency Assistance (EA) and Social Services for the Homeless (SSH).
New Jersey County Welfare Agencies
This document has a list of welfare agencies in the state of New Jersey.
Housing Affordability Webinar Slides
This webinar provides extensive information about housing resources, rental assistance, and legal advice. Information for veterans and resources on utility assistance are also available.
This document provides a list of resources in Middlesex County and New Jersey for help with basic needs. Resources include assistance with housing, food access, clothing, ESL classes, career help, childcare, medical expenses, and mental health support.
Mental Health Support for Seniors and Disabled Adults
The Middlesex County Office of Aging & Disabled Services offers Pyx Health, a wellness program to combat isolation and loneliness. This program is free for seniors, disabled adults, and caregivers in the county.
Help with Managing Bills for Seniors and Disabled Adults
The Middlesex County Office of Aging & Disabled Services offers Silver Bills, a comprehensive financial management service to help ensure your bills are paid timely. This program is free for seniors, disabled adults, and caregivers in the county.
This guide outlines local resources in Middlesex County for families and children. Resources include information on food pantries, diaper banks, support groups, shelters, child care assistance, helplines, and many other services.
This resource guide outlines hotline numbers for those in crisis. Included are hotlines for child abuse, family violence, suicide prevention, runaway youth and missing/abducted children, those struggling with mental illness and/or substance abuse, victims of human trafficking, and survivors of rape and incest.
This guide highlights more crisis resources pertaining to mental health emergencies, suicide prevention, and domestic violence. There is also a crisis/suicide hotline for LGBTQ+ youth.
This resource guide provides disability-related information on numerous services and programs in New Jersey.
This resource guide provides more information pertaining to domestic violence. Included are hotlines and services like crisis intervention, referral, victim advocacy, counseling, and assistance with housing/shelter and basic needs.
This guide outlines local resources in Middlesex County pertaining to food access. Resources include information on food pantries and soup kitchens. Some locations also provide clothing, personal care items, school supplies, support groups, and diaper banks and other infant supplies.
This guide provides information on several kinds of resources like housing assistance, mental health treatment, food access, counseling services, career navigation and training services, and other kinds of general assistance.
This guide outlines local resources in Middlesex County for immigrants. Resources include information on citizenship preparation classes, assistance with family reunification, basic needs, career navigation, ESL classes, and other immigration services.
This guide provides information on medical resources like health insurance programs, free non-emergency medical transportation, hospital care payment assistance programs, comprehensive primary and preventive health care, and many other services.
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resources
This guide outlines resources concerning mental health and substance abuse. Included is information about mental health programs and screenings, alcohol and drug abuse treatment, counseling, and support groups.
This resource guide highlights services within the state of New Jersey for senior citizens. Resources include information on programs for the aging and disabled as well as where to report elder abuse.
This guide outlines shelter and housing resources, many of which are in Middlesex County. Included is information about out of home placement, family shelters, men’s shelters, 24-hour emergency shelters for youth, domestic violence shelter for women, rent, budgeting, and other financial assistance programs, and much more.
This resource guide highlights more programs to assist with utility costs. Resources include programs that help low-income individuals with gas, electric, telephone, rent, mortgage, and other utility bills, free smartphone and wireless phone service, and discounted broadband service. There is also information about the winter termination program.
This resource guide outlines services and programs for veterans. Included is information about housing, career development and job training, counseling, disability compensation, assistance with financial/legal issues, veterans claims and benefits, and much more.
In addition to the resources you can find in the Library (just stop by the Information Desk and ask a librarian!)
You also have access to Learning Express Library. Find careers and occupations that match your skills and interests. Access millions of current job and internship postings. Learn to create professional resumes and cover letters, master interviewing and networking techniques. Access self-paced learning modules, career test prep guides, academic skill-building exercises, standardized test prep, career certification test prep, interactive computer skills courses, and more. and much more! Adult Learners can access expert tutors and career coaches in an easy-to-use, anonymous online classroom.’s job search experts are available to help navigate online job sites, complete applications, write/review resumes and cover letters, and even practice for an interview! Get one-to-one tutoring or job search assistance including GED® preparation and The Princeton Review® GMAT®, GRE®, LSAT® and MCAT® Practice Tests 24/7!
Also, did you know there are designated job hunting computers and scanners in both buildings? Ask a librarian for more details, and to log on. If you have your own device, our WiFi is always free and open!
- Learn about emergency preparedness here
- Home delivery and online resources for homebound individuals
- Information for members of the LGBT community
- Classes and information for new Americans
- Information for seniors and their families
English with Jennifer- Let Jennifer help you communicate more confidently and effectively in English on YouTube!
Purdue Online Writing Lab – These OWL resources will help ESL students in second language writing.
Listening and Pronunciation
Rachel’s English – Rachel’s English is your online American English pronunciation resource. All videos have closed captioning to help non-native speakers understand.
Vocabulary and Conversation
Advanced English Listening and Vocabulary Practice
Dave’s ESL Cafe – Grammar lessons, to quizzes, and more!
English Club Games – Thousands of online crossword puzzles, matching pairs, jumbled words, hangman games and many, many more!
Merriam-Webster’s Learners Dictionary
English Grammar HELP Podcast
English 2.0 Audio Blog (AB)
Mobile Device App
Duo Lingo – A very good interactive tool for learning a new language!
Interested in English classes?
The library offers free ESL classes. Classes take place once per week.
If you’re interested in enrolling, please fill out the form below. Please note our classes are now full.
We have several book discussion series here at Piscataway Public Library. Pick the one that’s right for you or enjoy them all. Visit our calendar to register for an upcoming book discussion.
Historical Fiction Discussion (monthly)
Historical fiction is a literary genre where the story takes place in the past. Historical novels capture the details of the time period as accurately as possible for authenticity, including social norms, manners, customs, and traditions. Many novels in this genre tell fictional stories that involve actual historical figures or historical events.
Book Chat (monthly)
Join Piscataway Public Adult Service Librarians and fellow readers as we chat about which books are keeping us company. Old books, new books, fiction, nonfiction – anything is worth sharing! No preparation is needed, just share what you are already reading.
The Piscataway Public Library has much to offer the small business owner including local history, marketing research, programs, and databases. And of course, we have information on business topics available in book, audiobook, newspaper, magazine, large print, ebook, and audiobook formats.
Want to speak to a librarian on how we can better serve your small business? Just call us at our Kennedy (732-463-1633) or Westergard (732-752-1166) branches and ask for the reference librarian on duty.
- Business Source Elite: This business database provides full text for over 1,000 business publications. The rich collection of titles in Business Source Elite provides information dating back to 1985. More than 10,100 substantial company profiles from Datamonitor are also included. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost.
- Legal Information Reference Center: Providing exclusive online full text for many of the top consumer legal reference books, Legal Information Reference Center contains more than 225 full-text publications and thousands of legal forms, with more content being added on a regular basis. A majority of the full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo, the nation’s oldest and most-respected provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses.
- Piscataway Township Code: Provides full and updated copies of current ordinances and code for the Township of Piscataway.
- Reference Solutions: the leading source for business and residential data in the United States. ReferenceUSA helps users of all kinds search for jobs, research U.S. businesses, create marketing and small business plans, locate specific people, and more.
- Regional Business News: This database provides comprehensive full-text coverage for regional business publications. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
- Small Business Reference Center: This database offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as the necessary tools and instructions to address a wide-range of small business topics
Nadine has been a public librarian since 2007 and joined the Piscataway Public Library team in late 2023. Her hobbies include traveling to national parks, hiking, reading, cooking, and weightlifting. She enjoys both fiction and nonfiction.
Joy joined the Piscataway Public Library team in late 2018. She is a self-proclaimed “Sci-Fi Geek,” including all things Star Trek, Farscape, Orphan Black, Firefly, Doctor Who, X-Files, Star Wars, and Fringe, to name a few. She is a classic film aficionado and loves to travel. Joy is an avid reader across multiple genres, and recent picks include: In This Grave Hour; White Fragility; Formerly Known as Food; the princess saves herself in this one; and The Sun is Also a Star.
Jenny works at both libraries, planning fun maker programs for teens and adults. Jenny’s favorite part of being a librarian is meeting new people and helping them find something they love at the library! Jenny loves reading non-fiction books, especially biographies and cookbooks, so be sure to stop by and ask for a recommendation. In Jenny’s life before libraries, Jenny owned a craft store, so keep an eye on our events calendar for fun craft & maker programs!
Ruby joined the team at Piscataway Public Library as an intern in June of 2022 before becoming a regular employee in January of 2023. She loves to write short stories, make jewelry, go thrift shopping, and play with her puppy. She recently earned her master’s degree in Library and Information Science! Her favorite authors are Zora Neale Hurston and Toni Morrison. She also loves reading queer graphic novels and listening to nonfiction audiobooks.
Cecilia has an avid interest in genealogy and history (especially ancient). While she adores reading nonfiction, every now and then she enjoys losing herself in a good novel. When Cecilia is not working or researching her ancestors, she enjoys hanging with her crew of cats & dogs and making all types of papercrafts.
Heather is the Adult Services Intern at the Piscataway Public Library, bringing her background in technology to assist with any tech questions you may have. She has a passion for travel and is on track to set foot on all 7 continents by the end of 2025! When she’s not jet-setting, you’ll find her at home, diligently working on her Masters in Library and Information Science, often with the “help” of her dog and two feline friends.
Mary joined Piscataway Public Library as an Adult Services Intern in January of 2025. She loves reading fantasy books (the longer the better!) and is a big fan of titles such as The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb, and The Will of the Many by James Islington, to name a few. In her free time she enjoys all things arts and crafts, from crochet to painting to photography. One of her favorite things to do is find new artistic hobbies to try (she’ll figure out glass blowing one day!). She is currently in the process of completing her Master’s in Library and Information Science.