Did you ever want to attend an author reading but couldn’t get tickets, or had a schedule conflict, or just didn’t go because what if you don’t like it and want to leave early? Here is a partial list of virtual author talks that are taking place. We will add more as they are announced. Try one out today! Let us know if you take part in the comments!
Random House Instagram: These author talks will be held live on Instagram. Just head over to the Random House feed and tune in. There is an option to comment and possibly have the author answer your comment as well.
Modern Mrs. Darcy: MMD Book Club is normally a subscription based service, but she’s opened up her Stay at Home Book Tour on the Zoom virtual meeting platform. There is a space limit, but it’s a fun way to hear authors tell about their new publications. And, they promise to have NO spoilers, so you don’t have to worry about that if you haven’t read the book yet.
New York Public Library: Revisit some of the New York Public Library’s author events and podcasts.
NPR: You can listen to past author interviews.