Are you ready for a Reading Challenge?

Another new year brings a fresh crop of reading challenges.  Reading challenges can help you out of a reading slump, or can help you widen your reading horizons.  Don’t stick with your comfort genres, branch out this year!  Read below to see which challenge is right for you.  

Book Riot Read Harder Challenge – a list of 24 reading tasks.  That means you will read 48 books in one year if you are able to complete them all!  Some tasks are “Read a doorstopper (over 500 pages) published after 1950, written by a woman”; and “Read the LAST book in a series”.  Book Riot has a downloadable reading log to keep track of the tasks you accomplish. There are also prizes awarded for submitting a photo of your completed reading log at the end of the year. 

Modern Mrs. Darcy 2020 Reading Challenge – Anne Bogel writes a wonderful blog, has a podcast, and truly leads a reading life.  Her enthusiasm for books is contagious. The MMD reading challenge is a list of 10 categories but the goal is to read 12 books.  That’s only one per month! Modern Mrs. Darcy provides a reading journal to track your progress as well. My favorite of her categories is “A book published the decade you were born”.  

The POPSUGAR Reading Challenge – An ambitious list of 50 challenges (yes, 50!).  Forty of the prompts are standard and they throw in a bonus 10 “Advanced” challenges.  This one might help you tackle that TBR pile that grows by your bedside. Some of the challenges are “a book with a bird on its cover” and “a book with a map”.  Can you read a book a week?

The Reading Women Challenge – Creators of The Reading Women podcast have compiled 24 topics and 2 bonuses for you to refer to when planning your reading year.  Maybe you will like a book with “over 500 pages,” or a book “Under 100 pages.”

The 2020 Reading Challenge by Mommy Mannegren, a blogger.  With categories like “Borrowed from a friend” or “A book that cost you less than $5”. The Library is your friend, and our Friends bookstore has a great selection of used books for very little money!

And speaking of the Library, don’t forget to check out our own Adult Reading Club monthly challenges.  Each month, we choose a theme and invite you to read one or more books from that theme. If you are interested in learning more, stop by the Westergard Library on January 9th as we celebrate the 2019 reading year and ring in the 2020 Challenge!



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