Staff members at the Piscataway Public Library have selected a list of resources for you to enjoy from home! Many of the resources on this list can be enjoyed without the use of your library card. If a resource does require a library card to gain access, and you do not currently have one, you can apply for a 90-day library card by completing the form found here.
We will continue to grow this list of resources so don't forget to check back!
DIY Crafts
6 DIYs Using Things Around the House: This video from HGTV will inspire crafters and makers.
Cactus Rock Painting: The possibilities are endless for what can be put on a rock!
CD Art: Create cool designs on CDs! All you need is a dark-colored acrylic paint, a paintbrush, a screwdriver (Or something with a pointed edge that is safe to use) and a CD!
Creative Ways to Reuse Bottle Caps: With a little hot glue and creativity, turn those bottle caps into new inventions!
Customization: Learn how to transform something into your own personal style! Created by Piscataway Teen, Laura!
DIY Macrame on a side table/planter: Learn how to use the Macrame knotting technique in these cool video by a Piscataway Teen!
DIY Basket Pendant Light: Learn how to make this basket light on a low budget through this video of a Piscataway Teen!
DIY Cement Pots: Learn how to make this cement pot, all you need is cement and sand! Break out the paint to add more flair to your pot!
DIY Scrunchies: Learn from Anika how to make your own scrunchie!
DIY Watercolor prints: Join Teen Services Librarian Kate-Lynn to make the easiest DIY watercolor prints!
Five Minute Crafts: We lose track of time watching these funky videos! Get an idea for a quick craft to do at home, or watch just for fun.
Friendship Bracelets: Learn how to make a cool friendship bracelet!
Grown your own Geodes: Create your own rocks with crystals!
Hand-Lettering Tutorial: Learn how to become a pro at Hand-Lettering from Piscataway Teen, Sareena!
How to Make Slime: Learn how to make cool awesome slime from Piscataway Teen, Tanya!
How to Paint a Nighttime Silhouette: Learn how to create this piece of art from Piscataway Teen, Radha!
Kindness Rocks Project at PPL: Join Teen Services Librarian Kate-Lynn to learn more about the Kindness Rocks Project and how you can participate!
Make Elephant Toothpaste: Easy and safe way to conduct the trending experiment at home!
Make Rock Candy: Learn about crystallization through making rock candy!
Mermaid Rock Painting: The possibilities are endless for what can be put on a rock!
Origami Butterfly: Learn how to make an Origami Butterfly from our very own Piscataway Teen Shakthi!
Origami Planes: Learn how to make some Origami planes whether it be basic or expert!
Paint and Sip Mountain Sunset: Come watch Kate-Lynn demonstrate a virtual Paint and Sip!
Plastic Bottle Craft Ideas: Bet you never knew plastic bottles could look this good! These ambitious DIYs will fill your day and get you making!
Tassel Flowers: Use yarn, a pipe cleaner, and a fork to create this cool flower!
Toilet Paper Crafts: This YouTube video goes through 10 quick and easy crafts you can make with all those toilet paper tubes lying around!
Toilet Paper Knitting Loom: Don't throw away those TP rolls! Repurpose them into a knitting loom and make friendship bracelets, skinny scarves, and more.
Woven Bracelet using Soda Straws: Make a cool design using these materials!
Yarn Ball Craft: Come watch Dean give a tutorial on how to make some cool yarn balls!
eBooks, Audiobooks, Movies, Music & More!
eLibraryNJ: Download eBooks and audiobooks directly to your computer, tablet or mobile device using your library card. Piscataway Library cardholders should select the library "Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium" when signing in.
Book Talks: Looking for something to read? Check out these book talks! From our very own librarians and some of your submissions too!
Book Reviews: Check out some cool written book reviews from our very own Piscataway Teens!
Garden State Book Teen Awards: The Garden State Teen Book Award is a project of the Young Adult Section of the New Jersey Library Association in which individuals vote on all relevant Teen fiction and nonfiction genres. For voting information, please click here or on the above link. For any more questions regarding The Garden State Teen Book Awards, please click here. For the list of books for the Garden State Book Teen Awards, please click here.
RBdigital: RBdigital offers a wide range of magazines to choose from. All you need is a library card!
Audible: Stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help kids continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids. All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet during this period of school closings.
EBSCO: EBSCO has made the following e-book collections available to all libraries in New Jersey as a courtesy through June: Academic Search Ultimate; Business Source Ultimate; EBSCO eBooks Academic Collection; EBSCO eBooks Public Library Collection; EBSCO eBooks High School Collection; EBSCO eBook K-8 Collection; and EBSCO eBooks Cricket Media Collection. All materials are available in unlimited format - no wait times for popular titles.
Hoopla: Hoopla is a digital media service providing movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, and TV shows that you can borrow using your library card. Enjoy these materials on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV. Titles can be streamed immediately or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later. Please note: our library has a daily lending limit.
Volunteer Opportunities
Join us at our online meetings to learn about the Teen Advisory Board. This volunteer opportunity is open to Piscataway residents in Grades 6-12. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill out our Teen Volunteer Interest Form.
Questions can be directed to our Teen Services Librarians Erica (ekrivopal@piscatawaylibrary.org) and Kate-Lynn (kbrown@piscatawaylibrary.org).
Educational Resources
Basic Rules of Chess Tutorial: Learn the basics of Chess in this Piscataway Teen Volunteer video!
Books for Tweens: Come grab a new book during these uncertain times!
3D Printing Tutorial for Tinkercad: Learn how to use Tinkercad, a software for 3D Printing!
3D Printing Tutorial for Tinkercad #2: Learn how to use Tinkercad, specifically with objects that have holes in them!
Code Academy: Learn to code through feedback!
Code Combat: Learn to code through gaming!
Free Coding Tutorials: Interactive curriculum to teach coding in languages like Scratch, Javascript, and more.
Free Online Classes from Harvard University: Learn a new skill with online courses from Harvard University.
Free Rice: Play this vocabulary game and turn your points into rice donations for countries in need.
How to Change your Mouse Cursor: Learn how to design your Mouse Cursor with cool colors brought to by a Piscataway Teen!
How to Set Up Your Own Kratky Hydroponics System: Learn how to grow sustainably with Piscataway teen, Sonali!
Introduction to Fractions: Learn the basic of Fractions with this informative and interactive video!
Microsoft Word Tutorial: Learn the basics of Microsoft Word with this informative and interactive video!
Open Culture: Free online classes, audio books, eBooks, movies, coloring, and more.
Parea: Tutorials, explanations, project ideas and insights designed to help you navigate a variety of STEM concepts, created by high school student Sareena
Physics Principles: Come learn a basic Physics Principle by our very own Nadia A!
Power of STEM: Videos, books, and information on Women in STEM, created by Shruthi A!
Remotely Control Robots: Create, drag, and drop code in your browser and watch it change the behavior of the remote robot or project!
Secret Keyboard Shortcuts: Learn some cool keyboard shortcuts that will make your life easier on the computer!
Aiden Tyler, Quaran-teen - A Weekly Webcast "Serial" with Author Rex Ogle: Register and tune in every Tuesday afternoon to catch the latest in Aiden's quaran-teen'ed story. Stick around after the reading for a weekly Q&A with author, Rex Ogle.
Cincinnati Zoo Online Safari: Cute animal alert!! The Cincinnati Zoo will be live-streaming videos with their adorable animals daily.
Club Penguin-Enjoy the old versions of Club Penguin!
Hogwarts Digital Escape Room: Come and sign up for a Harry Potter-themed digital escape room!
Minecraft- Come play Minecraft in your browser!
Mo Willems Lunchtime Doodle: Who doesn't love to draw?! Artist Mo Willems will do a daily guided drawing each day at lunchtime. Draw along or use as inspiration to create your own character!
Poptropica - A place for virtual worlds meet traveling, games, and competition!
Skribbl.io - Come play Online Pictionary/Charades! The possibilities are endless!
Virtual Museum Tours: Explore tours from top museums all around the world- right from your couch!
Virtual Theme Park: Enjoy virtual rides from your favorite theme parks- even Disney!- from home! This list has some great ones.
Watch a Broadway Show from Home: Broadway shows may be on hold for the time being, but this article gathers up where to stream or when to watch some classic Broadway shows from home.
Yoga with Adriene: This YouTube sensation teaches yoga classes from home to meet all sorts of needs. The perfect way to de-stress!
Escape Rooms
Dog Man Digital Escape Room: Dav Pilkey’s beloved part dog, part man, all heroic police officer needs your help. You’ll have to go through Petey the Cat’s Playhouse and into a parallel universe to save him in this digital escape room.
Escape from Wonderland Digital Escape Room: Created by the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library System in Moultrie, Georgia, this escape room is based on the book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll, as well as the movies.
Jumanji: Escape Room: You’re stuck inside Jumanji the video game. Can you find all the magic gems and escape?
Minecraft Escape Room: Created by the Regency Park Branch Library in New Port Richey, Florida, this escape room incorporates math problems, videos, and more for fans of Minecraft!
Oscar’s Stolen Oscar: Learn about sea life while searching for clues in this virtual escape room throughout the movie Shark Tale!
Spy Apprentice Digital Escape Room Adventure: Presented by the Washington-Centerville Public Library in Centerville, Ohio, this spy escape room is challenging for groups or individuals. Since it’s rather tricky to solve, it’s ideal for teens and adults.
Ultra Mega Super Death Escape Room: This challenge incorporates a lot of math and geography skills and calculators are not allowed! Recommended for teams of up to four people, ages 13 and up!
Unlock Disney World: Disney World is closed and no one else is there! You wake up and find yourself alone in the Country Bear Jamboree. (Make sure to click Present at the top of the slideshow to begin.)
Welcome to Romeo & Juliet Escape Room: Will you be the next suitor for Juliet? Can you pass the test and escape the room?
Check out these recipes and food crafts!
Cake Pops - Piscataway Teen Diya recommends this recipe!
Nutty Butty Creamy Cookie Sandwiches
Chocolate Chip Cookies - Piscataway Teen Laura recommends this recipe!
Decaff Dalgona Coffee - Piscataway Teen Aanya recommends this recipe!
Veg Quesadillas - Piscataway Teen Aanya recommends this recipe!