Adult Reading Challenge – What’s This?

Many people are familiar with the large-scale Summer Reading Programs offered for children and young adults at almost every public library.  If you read the December 23, 2019 blog post (Are you ready for a Reading Challenge?), you might have heard about the Piscataway Public Library Adult Reading Challenge.  This one is for grown-ups, and lasts all year, not just those fleeting summer months.  Meet some new books, some new reading friends and have fun along the way.

Each month, we will publish a suggested list of titles, but feel free to read any book you’d like that follows the theme.  If you have any questions, email Melissa Schabel ( or Joy Robinson (  We will happily direct you to some new-to-you titles, or help you find some old favorites.

The 2020 Adult Reading Challenge themes are:

January  – Winter Tales

February  – African American Novel

March  – Storied Women

April  – National Poetry Month

May  – Literary Mysteries

JuneLGBTQIA-Pride Month

July Beach Blanket Reads 

August Hot and Bothered (Romance)

September  – Twice-Told Tales (Updated Classics)

October  – Stranger Than Fiction (True Crime)

November  – Native American Heritage Month

December  – Series Reads

Here’s how to participate in two easy steps:

  1. Read a book that falls under the monthly theme
  2. Enter your name into the raffle

Easy, right?  Read one book or read many books each month.  The goal is to push your reading limits. Try a genre that you may not have considered.  Try a new author. Connect with other readers at events. There are so many benefits to joining us!

The more you participate, the greater your chances of winning one of the raffles.  But even better, each time you tell us about a great book you’ve read, you help us increase our knowledge of what our community wants to read.  With your suggestions, we can make recommendations with more accuracy.  

We hope to see your name in the drawing!  Happy reading!


Posted in Blog.


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